I’ve hopped on your chaotic train of thought and don’t want to get off! Just as I was going to check you’re ok, Rebecca, you come back with this. Wonderful. But of course I hope you’re back to just the one dog soon. It’s all too much, quite agree!

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I actually thought of you watching grand kids and thought lord how does she do it?

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And, yet, you write this absofuckinglutely brilliant piece of 21st century Bombeck that has me in belly laughter tears of relatability. Love ya, Bec. 4444

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I was thinking I’ll never “go off” Daney!!! Big hugs luv!!!

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My god you are having a M*A*S*H movie moment. Decompress because you are compressing but don’t decompress if we are going to get more writing like this.

No writers block here! Take care of yourself😊

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Hahaha don’t worry love I never stop writing. Thank youuu. Love the MASH ref!!!

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Id never “go off” of you!!! :) I love this and you!!! Keep bringing it. So good. Whew.

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Tell me more! Do you take it?

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Yes. ITs amazing. It takes a week or so to kick in, but its great. As long as you keep taking it. If you stop there is a bit of a brain fog comedown as you crash down to your normal levels.

My lifestyle is insane. I grow most of my own food and take al my own advice.

As a Health Pro and basing this entirely on an evaluation of your physiology from how you write and what you write about - I would suggest you take these -

Calcium, Magtien, B complex, C , E , Green tea Extract, Black Cohosh, Chaste tree extract, Turmeric Extract, Rosemary extract, resveratrol, Ashwagandha, and Dong Quai.

That should be a good start.

Also, cut out alcohol to one small drink of organic wine or bitter based spirits ( fernet - Amarao etc ) every 3-4 days.

Cut out Sugar, cut coffee to one small one in the morning.

Start with blended vege drinks, move to an all organic diet, increase pure water intake, sleep more, stop engaging with fucking idiots , an hour or more exercise a day. etc etc etc .

But Im sure you know all the above already.

After three months of doing the above, you will be ready for a Detox. I can help you with that too. :)

You should be able to see around corners and read minds by then.

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It's probably the COVID jab that's rewired your DNA 🧬 that's made you go "off" men. Like Alex Jones said, it's turning the frogs gay, but I think 🤔 he meant something else like agricultural run off, but it could be both, the jab, and agricultural run off working together to turn a brilliant David Goggins type of person into whatever it is you're becoming, which isn't that bad at least you can still write ✍️ so there's that.

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This piece is absolutely brilliant. I loved reading it!

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Thank you Anthony!!! Biggest of hugs I hope you have the bestest day!

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